Gummies Part 1: The History of Gummies

Raymond Shuai

Where would we be without gummies? Gummies are a staple of the pick ‘n’ mix selection and one of the most important of the 5 candy food groups so we decided to dedicate 3 posts to the history of gummies and teach you some must-know facts about some of the most popular Gummies. The first soft gummies were created in the 19th century by boiling sugar and fruit with Gummi arabicum (the resin of a type of acacia tree). Over time, the Gummi arabicum was replaced by gelatin to give gummies a softer consistency. It was then that the gummy...

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Britain's Most Popular Sweets: 1930s and 1940s

Raymond Shuai

Welcome back to another post about Britain’s most popular sweets. Scroll below for the history and facts you need to know about the most delectable sweets of the 1930s and the 1940s. Fizzy cola bottles Fizzy cola bottles are sour, chewy cola gummies made from gelatin dipped in sugar.  They are an essential part of the classic pick ‘n’ mix selection and were first produced in the 1930s. Now they come in all different flavours and sizes including: fizzy cherry cola bottles, cherry cola bottles, giant cola bottles and giant fizzy cola tubs! Parma Violets Parma Violets are little blue discs....

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